Past Award Winners


Untitled, Russna Kaur
Acrylic, oil, latex, cut canvas and sawdust on canvas & latex paint, 126" x 530"      
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre

Russna Kaur holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo (2013) and an MFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design (2019). In her paintings, drawings, collages and assemblages, Kaur evokes spatial and figurative illusions with a visual intensity that parallels her interest in secular and religious spectacles of celebration, mourning and consumption. A new work by Kaur was created for the lobby of the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre. Kaur painted a bold and energetic mural on the wall layered with two of her mixed media canvases while the building was closed to the public and staff access was limited due to the pandemic.


Biology, Levi Nelson                   Oil on canvas, 46" x 184"                &nbs…

Biology, Levi Nelson                 
Oil on canvas, 46" x 184"                      
UBCH, Koerner Pavilion



A Soft Place to Land, Garvin Chinnia Oil on plexi, 48" x 78"                        VGH, Joseph & Rosalie Segal & Family Health Care Centre

A Soft Place to Land, Garvin Chinnia
Oil on plexi, 48" x 78"                      
VGH, Joseph & Rosalie Segal & Family Health Care Centre



Bison, Liz Carter Photo transfer on aluminum, 60" x 72"               VGH, Jim Pattison Pavilion

Bison, Liz Carter
Photo transfer on aluminum, 60" x 72"             
VGH, Jim Pattison Pavilion



Adaptivity, Klaudia Niwa             Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96"                     &nb…

Adaptivity, Klaudia Niwa           
Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96"                              
GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre



Settlement, Richard Heikkilä-Sawan                    Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96"            &nbsp…

Settlement, Richard Heikkilä-Sawan                  
Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 96"                  
VGH, Leon Judah Blackmore Pavilion



Above and Beyond, Chad Durnford                      Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 38"           &n…

Above and Beyond, Chad Durnford                    
Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 38"                  
GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre



Galiano Forest, Taralee Guild                  Acrylic on canvas, 96" x 48"               &nbs…

Galiano Forest, Taralee Guild                
Acrylic on canvas, 96" x 48"                              
UBCH, Detwiller Pavilion


Darwin's Surfaces, Marten Sims              Colour photographs, 3 x  37" x 37"                 &nbs…

Darwin's Surfaces, Marten Sims            
Colour photographs, 3 x  37" x 37"                    
VGH, Jim Pattison Pavilion



Same Soup Different Flavour: 100 Pairs of Converse Shoes, Krista Jahnke                          Digital colour, inkjet print, 8"…

Same Soup Different Flavour: 100 Pairs of Converse Shoes, Krista Jahnke                        
Digital colour, inkjet print, 8" x 8" each 
VGH, Jim Pattison Pavilion